Don’t see your event? Submit your event below.


The Kosh Fun Calendar

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Submit Your Event

Don't see your event on the Kosh Fun Calendar? We invite you to let us know about it. We do reserve the right to post what is most relevant and in our view most beneficial for our local / regional audience. No guarantees. Please allow plenty of advance notice of your event as last minute request likely will not get posted. We reserve the right to edit if needed for space limitations.
  • Who are you? 🙂
  • Below we will ask you for your event details. Here please provide your "More Information" detail. - A Contact Person - An email address - A phone number - A website address Whatever you think will be most helpful.
  • We reserve the right to edit if needed given space limitations. We encourage you to include a link to your event web page, facebook event page or other.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf.
    Always encouraged and worth a thousand words. At least 700 pixels wide preferred.
  • Accepted file types: pdf.
    If you have an event flyer we -may- be able to post it with sufficient space and lead time. No Guarantees. 🙂
  • Please enter the characters you see above. It helps us reduce spam. Thanks.